Bicolore di Polenta gialla con seppie al nero e schie fritte (en)

La Taverna di Nadia e Felice
Chioggia (Ve)

For the polenta: Medium-fine grain yellow corn flour, water and salt

For the cuttlefish: Fresh medium-sized cuttlefish, white onion, celery, garlic, fresh tomatoes, fish stock, white wine, oil, salt, pepper, chopped parsley.

For the schie: Schie (lagoon shrimp), white flour, frying oil

The Taverna table is distinguished by the high quality of the raw material, fresh and caught, which brings the intense and characteristic aroma of fish dishes to the plate. Another characteristic is the valorization of traditional recipes, of which the two components of the dish are an important testimony. The Venetian-style black cuttlefish are distinguished by their intense and unusual color. The delicate Adriatic cuttlefish, but at the same time with a strong flavor and unique consistency, has always been a source of nourishment easily available in the area, in various periods of the year. In traditional recipes it is widely used both in the stewed version (with or without ink) to accompany with polenta but also with spaghetti or in risotto; in the latter case alone in ink, or in the mixed molluscs in white as per Venetian tradition. The proposed recipe plays on the contrasts between the intense aroma of the cuttlefish, but with a soft consistency and the sweet flavor of the scchie served in the crunchy fried version. Local gourmets say that fried lagoon shrimp should be eaten whole with shell and head and for this preparation. While in other stewed recipes, they can be shelled with a saintly patience, during preparation, they are in fact small shrimp, typical of the lagoon and the mouths of the Upper Adriatic. Polenta is the typical accompaniment of all Venetian seafood cuisine, traditionally a substitute for bread in this region. Traditional recipes, fresh local ingredients and expert manipulation, are the three ethical principles on which the cuisine of Taverna di Nadia e Felice is based.

euro 16,00