Art Your Food – Piatto Etico (en)

Food and wine tourism always seeks new products to feel new emotions. Here is a proposal that not only seeks taste satisfaction, but also the “whole spirits” satisfaction.

The word “Ethics” perhaps recalls high-sounding meanings, in reality it is simply, what concerns human activities, trying to identify “things done well”.

For this reason, the LoVe restaurants have tried to choose a dish in their menu that embodies their way of “doing things well” and therefore propose a series of steps where food and wine can meet ethics: through the choice of raw materials sustainable and close raw materials, through good practices in production first and then in the kitchen; looking for historical links with the territory and with the characters who built it; telling the stories that live around these recipes.

Five proposals that you can include in a tour, where you can choose how to set up, for the order and number of stages.


coordinatrice turistica territoriale


phone: +39 327 4610167

i piatti etici