Baccalà mantecato con aromi di stagione (en)

Ristorante Pizzeria Al Fogher
Camponogara (Ve)

For the cod – Stockfish, EVO Oil, Sunflower Oil, White Pepper, Sichuan Pepper, Bay Leaf.

For the flavourings – Depending on the Season: Carletti (Silene Vulgaris), Liquorice, Jerusalem Artichoke, Late Radicchio.

For the accompaniment: Polenta made from Bianco Perla flour

The term baccalà, which indicates salted cod, has always been replaced in Veneto with Stoccafisso, cod dried in the Arctic winds, creating a particular linguistic pastiche. Over the years, the Al Fogher restaurant has developed a passion for this type of preparation, proposing it in various recipes, from classics such as “baccalà alla vicentina” to more creative recipes such as risotto, lasagna or cooked in beer.

The choice of a product that is originally poor is explained by the choice of selected suppliers who import the raw material directly from the Lofoten Islands. In the proposed recipe, we have tried to accompany the classic quenelles of creamed fish throughout the seasons, with products that express the territory, combined with the chef’s imagination. Therefore, autumn is expressed with Jerusalem artichokes, winter with the symbolic product of Radicchio, spring with field sprouts of Silene and summer with a fresh aroma such as Liquorice to complete the cycle

euro 15,00