Cazunsiei con onto rostù e scotta fumeda (en)

Rifugio De Doo
San Niccolò di Comelico (Bl)

For the pastry – Soft wheat flour 00 and re-milled durum wheat semolina, low percentage eggs, water, salt and oil.

For the filling – Floury potatoes, smoked bacon, onion and “dota” (Silene Vulgaris)

For the dressing – Mountain butter, Grana and aged smoked Ricotta.

Widespread throughout the Dolomites, up to Carnia, casunsiei find different interpretations region by region, town by town, family by family both in the quality of the pastry and in the secret of the dough, handed down for generations. Among the poor dishes of tradition it is certainly one of the richest and most substantial, almost always seasoned with a base of butter to which cheeses, smoked ricotta and herbs are added. The recipe proposed by Rifugio de Doo is the one developed by the grandmother of the current managers that since the beginning was proposed in the restaurant she runs, gaining a deserved fame over the years and meeting the favor of customers. The peculiarity lies in the choice among the ingredients of the filling, of the shoot of the “Dota”, the Silene, better known as Sciopetìn or Carletti. The herb is collected in spring in the mountain meadows, prepared and preserved for later use. Most of the ingredients of this recipe are found in the area, so the butter, coming from the local milk production is particularly rich in aromas; Ricotta, always produced with mountain milk, is smoked with larch wood and barrancio (mountain pine) which give it a particularly intense fragrance that, together with the seasoning, make it a product suitable for finely grating. Potatoes are another historically typical ingredient of the mountain territory, which has accompanied the basic diet of the Dolomite peoples since ancient times, as well as bacon which, together with speck, distinguish the production of smoked salami of the territory.

A bath of history that identifies the cuisine of the Rifugio De Doo and which is proposed in its simplicity, but rich in nuances and flavors. Just as you would expect to find when entering the room of a high-altitude refuge.

euro 14,00